Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

See our pricing page for all relevant pricing information.

How do I unsubscribe?

Click on the “Manage Subscription” button in the rightmost tab in the Bump widget. This will redirect you to a billing portal, then click “Cancel Plan” to unsubscribe. Simply uninstalling the Chrome Extension does not unsubscribe you. If you have any issues, you can contact me at for support.

I’m experiencing a billing issue, who do I contact?

If you believe you were billed incorrectly or there was some other mistake with your billing, please email me at I am happy to refund any billing mistakes.

How do I reset my password?

You can reset your password for the Bump Chrome extension here.

How do I update my credit card on file?

Click on the “Manage Subscription” button in the rightmost tab in the Bump widget. This will redirect you to a billing portal, then click “Add Payment Method” to add a new credit card. Finally, click on the three dot button next to the card you just added and click “Make Default” to ensure that it is the default credit card that gets charged. If you have any issues, you can contact me at for support.